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January 5, 2021

2021, What's Up?

At the moment, cannot find a source

Alright, so it's 2021. Ironically I don't know if I have much to say. I have the same belief that I've had every time a year ends, and a new year begins. I don't really vibe with resolutions. Or more so resolutions that are created at the very beginning of the year. 

I for one, like to create goals throughout the year. Goals that popped into my head one day and these goals that I set for myself, don't have to be succeeded in the year I created them. As history shows in my life, most of my goals, and the ones I've mentioned on this blog, took multiple years to accomplish. This is because I know myself, and if I required myself to accomplish these certain goals in one year, I would have failed miserably and abandoned the goal completely.

But hey, if you're the type of person who creates your goals at the beginning of the year, and that works for you, kudos to you.

This year, in particular, I have no expectations. So far, my only goal is to be able to travel somewhere. I've been lucky enough to travel to somewhere exciting every two years, so I hope that I can keep that up. We will see how that goes, particularly with some countries not accepting travel because of Covid.

As the year goes by I'm sure there will be other goals that I create, and there will be goals that I will be able to accomplish and that feels good. 


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